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相聚云南 共话环印度洋地区合作
发布时间:2023-12-12 15:13 新闻来源: 澜湄趴  浏览量:642


The Second China-Indian Ocean Region Forum on Blue Economy Cooperation took place in central Yunnan’s Kunming city from December 7 to 8.


On the basis of the First China-Indian Ocean Region Forum on Development and Cooperation, which was jointly held by China International Development Cooperation Agency and People’s Government of Yunnan Province in 2022, this year’s forum features blue economy.


This forum consists of the main forum and four sub-forums, namely, China-Indian Ocean Blue Economic Cooperation, Blue Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Cooperation, Biodiversity and Marine Eco-Environment Protection, and Sustainable Development of Island Countries in the Indian Ocean.


More than 300 representatives from governments, universities, think tanks, international organizations, businesses and media outlets are invited to relevant dialogues and discussions for more pragmatic cooperation.

“印度洋地区拥有发展蓝色经济的巨大潜力,中方愿与各方携手,共同保护和利用海洋。” 国家国际发展合作署副署长赵峰涛提出4点倡议,包括:

"The Indian Ocean region has great potential in blue economy, and China is willing to join hands with the parties in protecting and utilizing the ocean," said Zhao Fengtao, deputy head of China International Development Cooperation Agency. Zhao put forward four points at the forum:

1) 以海洋科技、生物、旅游、渔业、新能源等为重点,深化海洋领域发展合作;

a) Deepen development cooperation in the marine science and technology, biology, tourism, fisheries and new energy;


b) Quicken construction of submarine optical cables and ports for smooth and efficient channels for transportation in the ocean;

3) 积极开展双多边和南南合作,推动各国政府、国际组织、民间团体、企业广泛参与;

c) Carry out bilateral, multilateral and South-South cooperations for wider participation of governments, international organizations, non-governmental organizations and enterprises;

4) 围绕海洋规划、海洋观测预报、海洋生态保护等,加强技术培训与能力建设,提升科学利用海洋资源、发展规划蓝色经济水平。

d) Strengthen technical training and capacity building, improve the scientific utilization of marine resources and optimize plans on blue economy by focusing on marine planning, observation and eco-protection.


Suzan Mohamed El-Gharabawy, vice-chairman of the National Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries in Egypt, shared her views, citing the Nile Delta as a case in point.


She suggested that regional countries should jointly build an early-warning system and enhance disaster-prevention capabilities. Through economical, efficient and fair water resources management, countries can empower communities and create a safe and sustainable future for future generations.


"We are committed to the sustainable and responsible development of marine resources, the implementation of sustainable fisheries policies, the tourism based on protection of natural sites and biodiversity, and the development of port infrastructure and logistics facilities that meet environmental standards."


Mohamed Warsama Dirieh, minister of trade and tourism of Djibouti, said that developing the blue economy is a top priority for Djibouti, and China, with its capacity in technologies and talents, will be an increasingly important partner of Djibouti.

“科技正在成为发展蓝色经济的重要推动力,覆盖了捕鱼、航运、港口、造船、海上石油和天然气开采、海洋旅游、水产养殖、可再生能源开发、生物技术产品和服务等方方面面。” 伊朗财经部副部长兼投资与经济技术援助组织主席费克里说。

“High technology drives the blue economy. It has maintained big coverage from fishing, shipping, ports, shipbuilding, offshore oil and gas and marine tourism to marine aquaculture, drilling oil and gas in deep and extreme deep water, marine renewable energies, biotechnology products and services.”


Ali Fekri, vice-minister and president of the Organization for Investment, Economic and Technical Assistance of Iran, believed that in promoting information communication, scientific research and technical support, multilateral international cooperation should be based on respect, pragmatism, transparency and compliance with international law.


"This forum is expected to provide a unique platform for all stakeholders to share their abilities, experiences and opinions," he said.


Yunnan is China's major gateway to South Asia, Southeast Asia and the Indian Ocean region. More than 600 years ago, Zheng He, an internationally famed navigator born in Yunnan, spread the Chinese goodwill for friendship to dozens of countries in the regions.


Now, Yunnan is going for maritime cooperation by embracing the Silk Road spirit of peace and cooperation, openness and inclusiveness, mutual learning and mutual benefit.


Hao Yishan, deputy director of the Yunnan Provincial Department of Commerce, said that in August 2023, the China-Indian Ocean Region Blue Economy Think Tank Network was established with the joint efforts of relevant parties, in a bid to provide intellectual support for better implementation of the Global Development Initiative (GDI).





"The China-proposed GDI should be synergized with development plans of other countries."

"The Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework needs to be better implemented."

"Enterprises and youth groups need to be encouraged to actively fulfill their responsibilities in dealing with climate change, biodiversity protection and marine protection."

The list of consensuses at the forum could go on and on…


The Joint Statement on Blue Economy Development Cooperation of the China-Indian Ocean Region was released during the forum, where China and all countries expressed their willingness to continue to deepen marine development cooperation in the region, conserve and sustainably utilize the ocean and strengthen the capacity on ocean governance, to achieve a stronger, greener and healthier global development.

统筹 | 张若谷

文字 | 朱海 刘子语 韩成圆 王靖中

图片 | 云南日报

翻译 | 王世学

审核 | 王欢 王世学

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